Two law firms in Florida needed support in generating and managing online reviews and displaying positive client feedback on their websites. King Law Firm and Remsen Law approached Southern Cross Media to sign up for our white label reputation management services. With the help of Rize Reviews, the marketing agency generated 29 new reviews in 14 months for King Law Firm and 58 new reviews in 14 months for Remsen Law.
New Reviews for King Law Firm
in 14 months
New Reviews for Remsen Law
in 14 months
Project Overview
Southern Cross Media partnered with Rize Reviews to improve its clients’ online reputation management strategy and acquire new 5-star reviews. We worked closely together to develop data-driven reputation management solutions tailored to each law firm’s target audience. Rize Reviews has been working with this digital marketing company for 18 months to provide review management for nearly 30 businesses. This partnership has since helped our white label partner generate good income and improve its digital marketing packages.
About the Client
Southern Cross Media is a digital marketing agency based in Florida that serves healthcare businesses and law offices in need of custom internet marketing solutions. The company offers comprehensive online marketing services centered on maximizing results and creating a robust digital presence.