Author: Dolly Kate Ching


How To Balance Authenticity and Online Reputation Management

How To Balance Authenticity and Online Reputation Management

By Dolly Kate Ching / September 19, 2023

It’s common practice to put your best foot forward in online reputation management. But some businesses take it to the extremes by being deceitful in their claims and unaccountable for their… Read More »

Why Wikipedia Reputation Management Matters for Your Business

Why Wikipedia Reputation Management Matters for Your Business

By Dolly Kate Ching / September 12, 2023

Some people have strong reservations about online reputation management on Wikipedia. For one, you are never in total control of your reputation on Wikipedia.  But what if you discovered a professional… Read More »

What To Expect When Repairing Your Online Reputation

What To Expect When Repairing Your Online Reputation

By Dolly Kate Ching / August 31, 2023

Reputational damage can devastate your business performance and sustainability, leading to a loss in revenue over time. Yet it’s easy for many businesses, owing to a lack of information and guidance,… Read More »

How Patients Use Online Reviews

How Patients Use Online Reviews

By Dolly Kate Ching / August 17, 2023

It’s difficult, and perhaps impossible, for healthcare organizations and professionals to promote and protect their practice’s online reputation while also providing high-quality care for those who rely on them. In the… Read More »

Reputation Audits and How They Can Help Your Business

Reputation Audits and How They Can Help Your Business

By Dolly Kate Ching / August 3, 2023

Potential customers are more likely to search online before making a purchase. If they find unmanaged negative reviews about your business, chances are that’s a loss of business for you. So,… Read More »